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is there a faster way to get 0 chance

why is your named changed?

Because my previous username "TheObliviousQuail" used a generic username template, and I wanted to change my username to something more creative.

oh ok so is that the end for bb 1 1/2 or not?

Please don't ask me if that is the end of the series; it is not. BB 1 1/2 will continue for another few months.


Is the code for version 2.1 the same for version 2.X?

When I refer to the confirmation code for version 2.X, it means the code works with any mini-update within V2, like 2.1.

Okay, thanks

so is the version 2.1 code still the same as version 1

wait wheres version 2


It has been temporarily unshared because there are a few things I forgot to optimize.


now it is back as V2.1

ok so what is new in 2.1

1. Find it out yourself

2. The code for V2.1 is in the install instructions on this very page.

(2 edits)

I cant play this mod help. When i type in the code for V1.5 it doesent work

V1.5 is slightly outdated, so please stand by until I release the next patch.


I'm back hooray!

so what will v2.x have

I can't spoil anything right now until that update releases.

oh ok

it is here, v2 is here.



also the opitions menu is broken

I tested it out already and nothing appears to be wrong. What do you mean by the options menu being broken?

when i click it it just shows nothing 

That's probably a "your computer" problem because when I pull up the options menu, everything seems fine. Can you send me a screenshot of what you're experiencing?

hmm ok

Also, when you asked me on why I brought this series back, it seemed like you did not want me to continue this series as if you disliked it, that is why I deleted one of your comments.

Hmm, that's strange. I pressed every button I could in the main menu, and nothing is really happening. Perhaps you may need to re-install the game. If that doesn't solve the problem, I may investigate further into this.
